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UPDATE - January 1, 2023

​Just a quick update on our progress since we purchased the Las Vegas Distillery last July…

​As you may know, we immediately closed our doors to commence a complete renovation of the facility.  From floor-to-ceiling and wall-to-wall we have been busy renovating the entire facility and upgrading all equipment.  With few exceptions, we are happy to report most of these upgrades are now complete.  Commencing last month, we started distilling our new line of premium spirits beginning with our new collection of rums.  We will have more to report on the specifics of this excellent rum collection in a future update.



One other area that we are currently working on is our newly remodeled tasting room and retail center.  It’s themed as a tribute to the classic Las Vegas of the 50s’ and 60s’.  We have thoughtfully and carefully designed this space for your comfort and enjoyment.  As we get closer to completion, we will update you on an anticipated opening date.


So that’s it for now, more updates soon! Thank you for your interest in us, and we look forward to having you as our guest soon. 


Warmest regards,

Your friends at the Las Vegas Distillery

A tribute to Classic Las Vegas...

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